Terms and Conditions

Only general informational purposes are served by the content on our websites. Although we try to keep the information current and accurate, STAFIDE NL makes no express or implied representations or warranties regarding the websites’ availability, suitability, accuracy, completeness, or suitability of the information, goods, or services they contain for any purpose.

General Rules

Comments Policy

Comments of the following category or similar will be deleted/ edited, and the commentator is held responsible – just like articles, reviews, photos, captions, videos, etc. – containing or linking to

Editors and administrators of STAFIDE reserve the right to change, remove, move, or flag any comment as spam. They also have the authority to prevent anyone or any group from leaving a comment on the page or from accessing it altogether.
Breaking this comment policy could prevent you/the commentator from accessing this website in the future and/or from leaving comments. Please email info@stafide.nl if comments do not appear within a reasonable amount of time and if there has been no violation of these comment policies.